Meet the A family! I’m so excited I get to be their OKC family photographer over the next year. Their kiddos were just so adorable for our session. Quite the little models. Amy is expecting their fifth child in the next few weeks (and guess who gets to photograph it!) and the kids are super excited. They said they’re cool with me photographing the birth too, so I have their blessing These pictures were taken in downtown OKC at the OKC Farmer’s Market, a little different vibe for me but I liked it a lot!
This girl didn’t want me to take her picture, but mommy’s tickles managed to win her over! I love how natural this one is!
Thank you for asking me to be your OKC family photographer! I cannot WAIT to meet that sweet baby in the next few weeks. Did I mention mom is waiting to find out the sex of the baby until he or she is born?! So fun.