It’s always such an honor when another photographer asks me to photograph their special moments. Justine is a photographer in Tulsa and asked me to come photograph the birth of baby #3. What a beautiful birth it was! She was amazing throughout labor. In fact, during most of it you might not even know she was in labor. She was an inspiration. When I got there, she was curling her hair… that’s how awesome she through contractions.
Enjoy Baby V’s birth story! Strong mama working through contractions. Time to fill up the tub Justine’s sweet daughter comforting her through contractions. How adorable is this? She was rubbing her back. Big brother thought the tub looked fun, so he wanted to take a bath! So much love and support for her while she was working hard.Baby V is ready to come out now! I love mom’s reaction. It’s always such a joy to witness. Big brother and sister were anxiously waiting to meet their sister! Big sister even got to cut the cord. She was so excited about that. Finally mom got to snuggle her sweet new baby. The eye connection here is amazing. Baby V looking up at her mama.
Congratulations H family! Your daughter is beautiful and it was a priviledge to attend your birth.
If you’re interested in Oklahoma Birth Photography please use the “contact” tab on the menu above.