Mom had been working for over 30 hours when she asked me to join her at the hospital. Birth doesn’t always go as we plan, but this courageous mama worked so hard to meet her son with the help of her husband and birth team! Much love and support for mama.Daddy and doula getting ready for the OR. Think dad’s excited to meet his first son? 🙂 He’s here! He’s almost waving, hehe.9lbs 10 ounces!10 fingers, 10 toes 🙂 Snuggling with dad Look at that big boy holding his head up. He was definitely interested in what was happening around him. I love how alert he is with those big beautiful eyes. I love watching parents get to know their new baby. Now it’s time to meet big sister! How sweet is this? Mom and her two babies. She is already a pro at being a big sister. New family of 4! He was holding big sister’s finger, sweetness!
Thank you , J & B, for asking me to be your Chickasha Oklahoma Birth Photographer. It was an honor and pleasure to photograph your little guy’s big day.
If you’re interested in hiring a Chickasha Oklahoma Birth Photographer, please contact me ASAP! I’m booking well into the Spring of 2015 already. Contact me by clicking “Contact me” on the menu above or e-mail ( availability. Also, make sure you “like” me on Facebook & sign up for my newsletter to receive occasional e-mails with specials and studio news.