June 29, 2015
After booking a session, the next question moms always ask is “What do we wear?!” Don’t panic! I have listed out 3 main tips on what to wear for your session with photo examples. I will also help you mentally prepare for your session so that you have the best experience possible.
The days of everyone wearing black shirts with jeans is a thing of the past. What I always tell clients is to match, without being too “matchy-matchy.” You want to coordinate. I suggest choosing 2-3 colors and make the pieces of your wardrobe stay within those color families.
This precious family chose to wear purples and greys for their family session
Keep it simple! I do not suggest neon or bold colors. Also, make sure your shirts do not have text or loud/busy prints. These things can distract from what the photo is really about… you and your family!
Style is important, but if your clothes are uncomfortable then YOU are going to FEEL uncomfortable… and that makes your photos look…what? You guessed it! UNCOMFORTABLE! I recommend trying on the outfit you want to wear for photos and then sit on the ground, bend over, play with your kids and see how you feel in the outfit.
Layering clothing items is also a great way to incorporate different pieces and still coordinate.
For newborn sessions especially, I want mom to feel cute and comfortable.
This is a big one. As the old saying goes, ‘if mom isn’t happy, NO ONE is happy.’
If you are stressed about family photos, the family is going to feed off of your energy. My goal is to capture your family as they are now. If your 2 year old never smiles for photos, that is OK! We are going to get some great images of you tickling and laughing with that 2 year old. Those are the times you’ll want to remember in 20 years. Not the “perfect smiling family photo.”
A great example of coordinating colors as well as a beautiful family portrait that strays a bit from the “traditional, everyone looking and smiling.”
Here are a few ideas to help your session go smoothly (now that you have ideas what to wear):
– Make sure everyone is fed & well rested before the session. I usually suggest sessions take place about 90 minutes before sunset. Well, right now, in the summertime – that means sessions need to start about 7:30pm which is most kids’ bedtime! I would much rather your child be happy and well rested than have “perfect” light.
– Bring a few snacks. Let’s be honest, kids are happy when they’re eating (who isn’t, right?).
– Make an effort to enjoy this time with your kids! Snuggle them, tickle them, make jokes with them!
Another example of feeling comfortable and coordinating without matching
I hope this has helped you prepare what to wear and how to have a smooth session! If you haven’t booked your session with me yet, make sure to get on my calendar ASAP by calling 405.474.5047. or e-mail tavia@taviaredburnphotography.com
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