July 30, 2015
Before each birth, I meet up with mom and dad so we can talk about previous birth history as well as any birth photography preferences. When Kristen and I met for her birth consultation, she told me the birth story of her previous baby. She was in labor for many many hours and also pushed for many, MANY hours.
When I got a text from her at about 3pm saying her water broke, I figured we had a good amount of time to go (and so did she). She kept me updated as the evening progressed, and I was ready to walk out the door whenever she called.
As soon as I got her text, “Things are getting serious, can you come now?” I had a feeling things were going to move faster than we thought.
When I arrived, neither the midwife or midwife’s assistant were there. I popped my head in to say hi to Kristen, and I could tell she was pushing a little with her contractions.
That was the closest I have ever felt to “Am I going to have to catch this baby?!” I said – “Um, am I the first one here?!”
Thankfully, quickly behind me was Brandy – the midwife’s assistant. However, Kristen’s midwife was still an hour away.
When I snapped this photo of the time, I had no idea a baby would be here less than thirty minutes later.
Mama was staying so focused on bringing her baby earthside. Quickly checking baby’s heart rate, and she was doing great! Mom’s face shows her joy in hearing her daughter’s heartbeat.
The labor moved so quickly, they barely had time to get the tub filled. Mama was so relived to get into that water!
It was amazing to see how fast mom went from “I can’t do this anymore!” to …..
…. “I did it! I did it!”
This sweet girl barely even made a peep. She was so content laying on mama and holding daddy’s finger.
Kristen and Michael – it was such an honor to photograph your Oklahoma home birth. You are such a fun couple, and so easy to photograph and socialize with. Thank you for making me feel welcome in your home. Kristen, you are one TOUGH mama. Super proud of you.
I am booked for all of 2015, but I do have availability for 2016. Contact me by clicking “Contact me” on the menu above or e-mail (tavia@taviaredburnphotography.com) for availability. Also, make sure you “like” me on Facebook & sign up for my newsletter to receive occasional e-mails with specials and studio news.
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