September 16, 2015
Today I have a fabulous guest post by Dr. Megan January, explaining the top 5 reasons pregnant women should see a chiropractor.
Your body changes in so many ways when you are growing that beautiful baby. The relaxin hormone allows things to slip and stretch for the baby to grow, but often times things move in the wrong direction and results in pain.
Pregnancy puts a large strain on your back, and your vertebrae and pelvis can twist causing dysfunction in your spine and nervous system. When the nerves coming out of your spine get irritated it causes not only pain, but an interruption to whatever organ it should be supplying. In the low back, those nerves supply the uterus and the growing fetus. It so important to make sure everything is in alignment so the baby is getting everything it needs to thrive.
With chiropractic care we align your vertebrae and pelvis so you have relief from pain and create an optimal space for your growing baby to develop.
Studies have shown that women who get regular chiropractic adjustments through their pregnancy have 25-32% shorter labors than those who do not get chiropractic care.
Studies also show that women who get regular care require over 50% less pain medication in the hospital setting than those who did not.
Morning sickness, Indigestion, Swelling…the list goes on and on with what some pregnant women suffer from during pregnancy. Getting chiropractic care during your pregnancy allows your nervous system to functioning properly and allows relief from all of these things.
With less discomfort and sickness, you are able to take better care of yourself and your growing baby. Making sure the baby gets all of the nutrients and nerve supply that it needs is always a priority.
While your baby is growing, your rib cage needs to open up and expand. Often time women experience sharp pain in their mid-back and have a hard time taking a deep breathe due to discomfort. This comes from one or multiple ribs moving out of place in the back. A chiropractic adjustment can place them right back where they need to be and often times offer immediate relief.
When a woman has regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy they have a balanced pelvis that allows for optimal baby positioning and helps avoid any potential for breech positioning or dystocia. If your baby is in a breech position, we can perform an adjustment to the pelvis and sacrum using the Webster Technique that helps to open the pelvis and allows baby to naturally flip into proper position.
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