Oklahoma twin home birth photography | Rainbow babies D & E
April 21, 2016
This birth story started over 3 years ago. Back in 2013, I found out I was pregnant with baby #3. As soon as I told Brandy, she told me she was also pregnant within a couple of weeks of my due date.
We were both unsure about the future… because I needed her at my birth as my doula… and she needed me at her birth as her photographer.
Fast forward a few weeks, and Brandy’s little babies grew wings and become angel babies. She went on to help me have a fabulous, healing home birth at the end of 2013.
In the spring of 2015, Brandy approached me with an idea. She wanted to track her final IVF journey from beginning to end with video. We captured everything from the embryo transfer, to the positive pregnancy test, ultrasound to find out it was twins (again!), gender reveal (1 boy and 1 girl), belly casting, and finally … their birth.
I got a text that morning, all calm and causal from Brandy (as usual)…
Her – “Hey whatcha doing?”
Me – “headed to the studio…what’s up?”
Her – “well, my water just broke.”
Change of plans, then!
I got there, and energy was high. Everyone was excited.
Brandy didn’t have a chance to do her Blessingway (it was scheduled for the next day), so they were working on her henna and helping her prepare her birth space when I arrived…..
Baby A is here! It wasn’t long until baby B wanted to meet everyone too.
This picture below is powerful. You can see baby A doing skin to skin, trying to nurse, while mom is pushing and dad is supporting. Baby B is here Successful twin home birth!