May 29, 2016
I WISH I had done #6!
With so much thought and planning, every new mom wants to make her baby’s birth day special. I asked a group of moms what they would do differently the 2nd time around on the day their baby is born.
Here are their answers (some of them might surprise you).
1) “I wish I didn’t publicly announce baby is here so soon. I don’t want any disturbances next time.”
2) “I wish we would have sang him happy birthday. I saw it on a video while I was pregnant and it was beautiful.” -Dani
3) “I wish I had arranged for my parents or in-laws take my older children so DH and I could snuggle our precious newborn” – Rachel
4) “I wish I would have asked more help from friends and family after the baby was born.” – Kelly
It’s easy to feel like you don’t want to inconvenience people, but giving birth is a lot of work and so is recovery!
5) “I wish I would have gathered more snacks for AFTER birth, I was ravenous!”
And let’s face it, in the middle of the night… your hospital snacks are pretty much limited to gross vending machines.
6) “I wish I had a post-partum doula.” – Cathleen
I didn’t even know what a postpartum doula WAS when my babies were born. A postpartum doula..
- Offers education, companionship and nonjudgmental support during the postpartum fourth trimester
- Assists with newborn care, family adjustment, meal preparation and light household tidying
- Offers evidence-based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, infant soothing and coping skills for new parents and makes appropriate referrals when necessary.”
If you’re in Oklahoma City, Megan of Nature’s Blossom Birth offers postpartum services.
7) “I wish I would have done more research about ALL the ways to give birth (hospital, vacuum assisted births, c-sections). I was planning a home birth, but we ended up transferring to the hospital and I never really relaxed. If I have another baby, I will do a lot of work to mentally prepare myself for different outcomes. It was hard on me being so unprepared.” – Crystal
A childbirth class, no matter what your birth plan is, is essential!
8) “I wish I kept baby in the room instead of sending her to the nursery. It was more annoying having them wake me up to bring her in.” – Roxanne
9) “I wish I had a photographer!” – Elly
I hear this more often than not from moms and it breaks my heart. Like your wedding day, you can’t go back and re-create those moments. I, personally, am booking 4-5 months in advance, so it’s best to book your photographer sooner than later. Click here to see my Oklahoma birth photography.
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