June 21, 2016
Your first trimester can be so overwhelming – and isolating, especially if it’s your first baby. You take a test and BAM. You’re a mom. You have all these questions, all these things to do, and no one to talk to about them.
So what’s the first thing you do? Turn to the internet of course! There are all kinds of checklists out there, and list after list telling you what NOT to do. I don’t want to tell you all the things you can’t do now that you’re expecting a little one, so let’s focus on what you can do in your first trimester!
>> Click here for a cheat sheet on how to survive your first trimester <<
Research & Educate Yourself
If this is your first baby, you’re heading into a whole new world. Many women have no idea what their birth options are. They think when you get pregnant you have to go to an OB, go to the hospital when your water breaks, get an epidural, and give birth with nurses yelling PUSH. But it doesn’t have to be that way! There are so many options out there. Maybe you’d like to give birth at home, or maybe a hospital is exactly the right place for you. There’s no right answer, but women should know what their options are and make informed decisions. (If you’re in the OKC area, you might want to check out Thrive Mama Collective. It’s a great place to learn more about what your birth options really are.)
Now, don’t feel too overwhelmed. You’re just getting started and learning what your options are. For your first prenatal appointment, go where you are comfortable. That’s likely your OB/GYN. After doing research you may want to switch to a midwife, or you may be happy where you are. You can always change your mind. The important thing is figuring out what’s right for YOU.
Pop Pills & Oil Up
If you haven’t already started taking prenatal vitamins, start now. Your doctor or midwife may recommend a specific kind, but most prenatal vitamins have the same ingredients. Now, the trick is to figure out the right time of the day to take it. Morning sickness can be rough for most women, so often taking vitamins with meals work best. Or right before bed, unless that’s when your morning sickness hits hardest. Again, you just have to figure out what works for you.
>> I know you’re exhausted, I made it simple. Download my first trimester checklist <<
Your body is about to go through an amazing process, but it isn’t always pretty. Your belly may not change much in this first trimester, but now’s the time to prepare for all those changes. Find a great oil or lotion that you love. A favorite is Bio-Oil. You can find it at most stores or on Amazon. Use it generously after bathing to keep your skin moisturized and hopefully, flexible. There’s no guarantee it will prevent stretch marks, but it will help the itchiness that comes when your belly starts to grow and your skin begins to stretch.
The Fun Stuff
Start taking weekly pictures to track belly growth, if that’s something you want to do. It’s always fun to go back and see how much your body has changed! And to remember what it was like to fit in those jeans you used to wear
Pinterest may become your best friend if you’re starting to think about how you want to decorate the nursery, or if you’re interested in seeing what other women recommend for your baby registry. {Download my “do’s” in the first trimester} You may also be dreaming up some unique way to announce your pregnancy. Pinterest can help there too!
The Less Fun Stuff
I know it’s more fun to think about the nursery and registry. But don’t forget to call your insurance company to inform them of your pregnancy. You may also want to have a discussion with someone at the company to find out what they cover (and don’t cover) for birth. What you learn here may help you decide where and how you give birth!
The most important thing to do this trimester though? RELAX. You have months before you get to meet your baby. Yes, you have a lot to do. But it will get done. Enjoy these early weeks – or if you have nasty morning sickness, survive them. The second trimester will be here before you know it.
Ready to read about your second trimester? It’s a good one!
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