Homebirth photographer Oklahoma | Birth story of Baby A
July 11, 2016
This mama’s birth is near and dear to my heart. Her due date came, and went. Then another week passed… and another week passed.
I myself had two of my babies “post dates” (after 42 weeks) and this mama has just hit that mark. She had great spirits, waiting patiently for her baby.
I got a text from dad that she was in labor. When dad texts me instead of mom, I take it pretty seriously I headed over to Kelsey’s that evening.
When I arrived, she was surrounded by her birth team (the always amazing Moments of Bliss Midwifery and Sparrow Song Birth Services), her husband and several family member including her grandmother. The environment was peaceful and happy. Just bouncing on a birth ball and timing contractions ….
Kelsey labored like she had done this before (as a first time mom), she stayed in control and laughed between contractions.
Just about 30 hours later (hah!), Kelsey was pushing. She was so amazing and powerful!
After over 35 hours of labor, Kelsey gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!
Oh my word, look at those fresh baby cheeks!
And then they found out their baby weighed over 10 pounds!
daddy asleep with his newborn daughter right after birth oklahoma
Mom and dad were so tired, they couldn’t keep their eyes open for the newborn exam. Rainbow feet!
Kelsey, thank you so much for allowing me to photograph your beautiful homebirth! You are a ROCK STAR and I hope every time you look back at this photos you remember how powerful and strong you are!