August 29, 2016
The third trimester is the final stretch of your pregnancy – and I mean that literally! Your body is being called upon to do an incredible thing. It’s being stretched to the breaking point (or to the stretch mark point!) but you can do more than survive this time.
The last three months of pregnancy can seem to drag on forever. You’re so close to meeting your little baby, but still so far away. Make the most of that time by getting as prepared as possible.
> Your printable checklist for your 3rd trimester <
The Fun Stuff
Now’s the time you’ll start attending baby showers. Enjoy being pampered and taken care of, and make the most of the shower by making sure you’re registered for everything you need. Your friends and family want to literally shower you with gifts so let them.
If you haven’t taken any classes, take advantage of these last few months by enrolling in them. You can find classes on all things childbirth and baby, and they can be especially helpful to new moms. Your hospital may offer these classes, or there may be other options in your area. Here in Oklahoma City, Thrive Mama Collective offers classes on hypnobirthing, breastfeeding, cloth diapers, baby-led weaning, and much more.
Still haven’t booked maternity, birth, or newborn photos? Do it now. And it isn’t too late to hire a doula, whether for birth or postpartum care.
The Less Fun Stuff
Stock up on all those postpartum essentials no one likes to talk about. You know the ones – lanolin, nursing pads, regular pads, and all the necessary things. Also contact your care provider to find out if you can preregister. This can be especially helpful if you are giving birth at the hospital. The last thing you want to do in labor is fill out pages and pages of paperwork!
You can also finish preparing for baby during this time. Wash all those adorable clothes, sheets, and towels you received at your shower (or pulled out of storage from your last baby), sterilize bottles, pacifiers, and other baby essentials, and get the house clean and ready to go. (Or hire someone to clean it for you!)
You may also find it helpful to pack the diaper bag and your hospital bag now. Most women don’t go into labor early, but you don’t want to be the one who does and is throwing clothes in the bag at the last minute. Also consider having the car seat professionally installed, or at least having it inspected by your local fire department.
Click to download your printable checklist for the 3rd trimester!
Now Relax
Do as much as you can during the last trimester, but don’t wear yourself out. If you don’t get everything on your to-do list done, it’s totally fine. Make time to enjoy your last weeks. Get a mani-pedi and a massage. Go on a date with your partner. Set up a killer Netflix queue to enjoy while you bask in your new baby.
<< Click here to go back & read about the second trimester!
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