By the time you’re on baby #4, you probably know what to expect in labor right? Well, those 4th babies like to make their own special entrance

This little baby was a surprise sex (which is always so much fun). Big brother was hoping for a boy, because he has two little sisters already.
The days leading up to labor, mama had a lot of “stop and go” labor patterns. She was so ready to just be in labor and meet this baby!!
I got a “this is the real deal” text from mama in the evening on Friday with a “time to head this way” call from the midwife around 1am on Saturday morning.

Mama made labor look easy peasy (even though we all knew she was doing the hardest work of her life!) Dad was working out of town, so when he arrived, labor kicked into high gear!

She climbed into the tub for a little relief.

After getting to where she needed to push, mama delivered this baby in ONE push and got to announce, it’s a GIRL!

Big brother woke up pretty soon after she was born to snuggle mama and meet his new sister.

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Congratulations W family!! It was an honor and privilege to get to photograph your birth, thank you for having me there! I hope you cherish these photos forever <3
It’s always a pleasure to work with Taryn of Spirited Birth Services and Megan of Natures Blossom Birth. They provide such amazing care to their mamas!
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