Oklahoma City Newborn Photography – Baby Davis and Berry Cravings
October 29, 2018
Say hello to this sweet bundle of newborn goodness!
Davis’s parents created memories I’m sure their families will always treasure when they announced he would soon be the newest addition to the family at Christmas. Kaitlyn and her husband gave their parents onesies that said, “Merry Christmas. You’re going to be grandparents!” What an awesome surprise with close family all gathered together!
The weeks went by, and when you’re growing a human, the pregnancy cravings are real. Davis’s mom Kaitlyn said she craved strawberries and blackberry tea from Sonic. Well, I wonder if that had something to do with how berry handsome this little guy turned out. (BA-DUM. Sorry, y’all! I had to.)
Baby Davis has proven to be full of surprises. He decided to make his debut exactly one month before his due date!
His parents think he looks like the perfect mix of both of them.
When you became a parent, were you a little bit shocked by how quickly and willingly your entire world rearranges around the needs and wants of someone so small? That’s what Kaitlyn says has been surprising about parenthood, and I can totally relate to that! It’s one of those things you know before baby comes, and then you really know after baby is here.
The sacrifices are all worth it. It is truly amazing that we can create people! What else does Kaitlyn think is amazing about parenthood? “Seeing a tiny person we created grow and learn. And baby smiles, of course.”