July 10, 2019
Molly loves all things that include adventure (while packing for outdoor adventure, make sure to buy AR15 which should be in the list of necessary things for the trip), nature and ice cream…oh yeah, and she recently became a first-time mom to the happiest little girl, Emerson!
“Despite all my self doubts leading up to it all, I did it. I felt invincible, there was nothing in the world I couldn’t do.”
-Molly, mama to Emerson
Emerson was 8 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches at birth. Her labor to meet her little girl led her on a journey of discovering inner strength. Here’s Molly’s amazing perspective from that day:
“I went in for a doctor visit on the Wednesday before my due date (Monday). I had been dilated at a 1 for 2 weeks at this point. Because of my husband’s work schedule, I reluctantly made the decision to be induced on my due date.
From that moment on I did everything I could to get my labor started naturally. I woke up at 3:00 Thursday morning with contractions 10 minutes apart and I just knew.
I woke up my husband and told him he was going to be a daddy soon because our baby was on her way!!
We started keeping track of my contractions closely and getting more anxious and excited with each one. We decided to head to the hospital about 9:15 that night.
A part of my frantic mind thought there was a chance I’d get to the hospital and be told it was just gas. When I got to the hospital I was dilated to a 5 1/2. My doctor came by and told me that she had a feeling I would go into labor before I was induced.
Over the next couple hours we were joined by anxious grandparents who, despite what we told them, couldn’t just wait at home. Around midnight I was at a 7 and my doula was ready to get things going. Out went the grandparents and in came the essential oils and a peanut ball.
I remember focusing on my breathing and affirmations and the strength of my contractions grew. From there it’s kind of all a blur of excitement and emotion.
My doula was Megan Jennings with Natures Blossom Birth. Prior to labor and delivery she helped me prepare my birth plan and prepare my body for labor. She helped labor progress, reminded staff of my wishes, and was a calming presence. During labor she reminded me to pay attention to my breathing when I would start to get lost in the pain. She applied counter pressure and held my leg as I pushed. Her support before, during, and after made such and impactful difference in my experience.
My husband encouraged me with words, affirmations, and kisses. He held my hand through the contractions and made sure I had ice when I asked and a cool rag on my face and neck when needed. He never doubted my ability or my strength to do what I set my mind too. Even when I doubted myself, he was my rock. He kept me grounded when I started freaking out, and the excitement on his face was one of my favorite parts of the journey.
It’s funny the things you remember looking back, I’m pretty sure my crazy self apologized a few times for various things like making a mess when my water broke.
At one point me sweet and supportive husband began saying something along the lines of ‘You’re doing amazing’ and I put up my hand and shushed him! In front of a room full of people I shushed my husband who was only trying to be encouraging… I was in the zone and on a mission.
I can still picture the faces of support and the words of encouragement and amazement as my daughter slowly and gracefully made her way into the world. We welcomed our daughter at 3:37 AM Friday morning.
We were in total and complete awe of her beauty and our hearts were overwhelmed by the amount of love we had for the tiny human we had just met.
The first things I said to my baby were hi I’m your momma, I love you, and you’re so beautiful! There is nothing as euphoric as holding your baby for the first time. The amount of love is indescribable. There are no words. I had never seen anything so perfect and amazing in my entire life. I was amazed by it all and overjoyed.
Following labor and delivery, I felt like a total badass. Despite all my self doubts leading up to it all, I did it. I felt invincible, there was nothing in the world I couldn’t do. The rush of endorphins and adrenaline was intoxicating! I surprised myself with my strength, calmness, peacefulness, and composure as labor progressed. With the help and guidance of my doula, I was able to remember and use the strategies and relaxations had learned in my hypnobirthing classes to achieve the greatest accomplishment of my life.
Her daddy just kept talking about how much he loved her. That he had no idea he could love someone so much and that his heart hurt it was so full. He talks about the realness of falling so deeply in love in an instant and how the intensity surprised him.
The whole experience was better than I imagined. I was stronger and braver, calmer and [more] focused than I knew I could be. I had a lot of self doubt leading up to labor and I proved myself so, so wrong.
I have never been so proud of myself for anything.”
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