December 31, 2019
This little guy. Sometimes they just look like they know they’re cute.
Sara and Dereck found out they were expecting the day before Mother’s Day, and their announcement story is the sweetest.
“I signed the [Mother’s Day] card for my mom: ‘Love, Sara, Dereck, and Baby Hurt.’ Dereck was able to get their reactions on camera, and I watch that video at least once a week. It’s my absolute favorite.”
“We had tons of girls names but barely any names for a boy. Dereck added a few boy names to our list the day before our ultrasound and the second I heard it was a boy, I just pictured a little boy named Foster. And that was it! From then on we just knew that was his name but we didn’t tell anyone. It drove our families nuts!”
Reading about how amazing this mama’s support team for the birth of little Foster gave me ALL the feels.
“My parents moved to Florida while I was pregnant and my mom planned to fly back to Oklahoma on my due date. It made me so anxious because I really wanted her there for his birth.”
“She kept assuring me that there would be no way my first baby would come early and, ‘He won’t come until the full moon.'”
“Well, I went into labor ten days early! I called my mom at 4 am and she woke up and immediately started looking for flights. She headed to the airport without anything booked… and she made it to Oklahoma in time!”
“She walked into the hospital right after my first big contraction and I just burst into tears. She was such a huge support to me.”
I mean, is that not just straight out of a heartwarming movie or what?
“My doula and husband were both amazing as well! I hung onto Dereck’s neck for every contraction. And he had bronchitis! But no complaints from him.”
Some women get intense food cravings while pregnant…but Sara said she was all about the smells.
“Before I got pregnant I hated lavender, but now I love it. At one point, I asked my husband to bring me my lavender-scented deodorant while I was watching TV and I just sniffed it. So weird!”
“It’s so crazy to watch how fast he changes. Literally everything he does is cute to me. His tiny farts crack me up!”
One thing that surprised Sara about being a new mom?
“The worry. Not only am I worried about him, I worry about my husband and me, and what if something happens to us. I worry about all the choices I’m making and the small day to day decisions.”
I think all of us mamas can relate to that, big time.
But there are moments like these that keep you laughing:
“Just when I think I’m figuring things out, I realize we are still so new at this. We went to Heard on Hurd recently, and while I was feeding him he started making his poop face. And we only had one wipe left. So we panicked before I made Dereck literally run over to Sprouts to buy wipes. We were laughing because the only other option was to cry!”
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