February 19, 2019
I was sitting in a movie theater with my kids in Yukon OK when my phone buzzed.
I’m almost always on-call for births, so I grabbed my phone to see an inquiry come through from my website.
But this particular inquiry said “Brandy Harris.”
As in… my doulax2-midwife-friend, Brandy.
As in, Brandy who went through IVF to conceive her previous pregnancies including 2 sets of twins (one of which I photographed here).
And her contact form said, “Come take pictures of my unplanned pregnancy and birth.”
…… WHAT!
So, I immediately texted her “SHUT UP!!! No way no way no way!!!”
And that little fetus was dubbed, “Magic Baby.”
Because she really is magic! 😍
** REAL birth photos comin at ‘cha. Vernix. Placenta. All that birthy stuff 🙂
Birth worker life. Placenta’s coming? I got this 😉
Brandy freaking Harris, I’m so stinkin’ happy for your sweet family!!