I don’t get a chance to blog all my newborn sessions, but I couldn’t let y’all miss out on seeing this sweet guy’s images! His mom and I go way back. Wayyyyyy back. We met in middle school (we were both homeschooled then, and met in a co op)! I tried to find a photo of […]

March 15, 2017

Midtown Oklahoma City Newborn Photographer

midtown oklahoma city newborn photographer
ada oklahoma birth photographer


Baby I’s birth was one I almost missed! Not actually, but it felt that way. Mama progressed quickly to a 9cm as I got a call from dad and darted out my front door. Thankfully, I made it to the hospital in time. I walked in to check on mom and she was doing her thing, […]

March 7, 2017

Ada Oklahoma Birth Photographer | Birth story of baby I


Before you had a baby, you probably didn’t give much thought to how to be a good visitor to a new mom. You just thought, “Hey, my friend had a baby! I should go over and see the precious little thing.” And that’s totally understandable. But once you’ve had a baby yourself, you see things […]

February 13, 2017

7 tips for being a good visitor :: Newborn Photography Oklahoma City Midtown


I don’t photograph how your birth looks, I photograph how it feels. >>> Click here to see more of my birth photography

February 1, 2017

Birth Photography, behind the scenes


  Working in the birth industry, it’s easy for me to take doulas for granted. But the truth is, many moms don’t hire doulas because they either don’t know about doulas or they don’t think they need one! After years of photographing births of every type, I’ve learned that doulas are incredibly helpful no matter […]

January 25, 2017

5 Reasons to Hire a Doula (even if you give birth in the hospital)


Man, first baby for 2017… and she wasn’t playing around! I’d been texting with mom all day as she was in early labor. With a history of quick labors, we decided I should get there sooner than later. I arrived at the hospital right when mom and dad arrived. She was in serious labor, but still […]

January 15, 2017

The *fast* birth story of baby S