I remember the first time I saw this mom in labor. It was Christmas time in 2014 (click here to read that birth story). I had literally never seen someone so peaceful and calm in labor. She barely made a noise, laughed between contractions, and made sure her birth team felt comfortable and welcome. (At my […]

December 18, 2017

A rainbow baby named Iris | Oklahoma Homebirth Photography

birth photography
okc newborn photographer


  Gosh, where do I begin with this beautiful family? They have such a unique story to share.     After mom (“F”) had a stroke at the age of 25, she was diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome, which is an autoimmune condition that affects the blood and its ability to clot. They had about a 30% […]

December 4, 2017

A surrogate story from down under | Baby J


  I’ve been steeped in birth photography for years, so it can be hard for me to remember that some people – I’m looking at you, mama-to-be – aren’t as familiar with it as I am.   Here’s what I’ve learned in my years as a birth photographer.   Birth is beautiful. I know everything […]

November 27, 2017

Is birth photography worth the money?

is birth photography worth the money


  You love seeing photos of your kids. You love seeing photos of your family – until you see yourself. I hear it all the time. “I love everything about the photo… except for me.” You see the dark circles under your eyes. You see the last 10 pounds of baby weight you’ve been meaning […]

November 7, 2017

Quit being selfish & get in the photo (yep, time for tough love)


I interviewed Logan’s mom (Kelly) to get some insight into what pregnancy and birth were like, and what surprised her about becoming a mom.   How did you tell family & friends you were expecting? We gave early Christmas gifts that included baby socks and bibs that mentioned Grandma or Grandpa. The funny thing is […]

October 25, 2017

A girl named Logan & the surprising way her labor started | Newborn Photography Studio OKC

oklahoma birth photographer
birth photography


By the time you’re on baby #4, you probably know what to expect in labor right? Well, those 4th babies like to make their own special entrance 😉   This little baby was a surprise sex (which is always so much fun). Big brother was hoping for a boy, because he has two little sisters […]

October 15, 2017

I’s Homebirth Story | Birth Photography