Working in the birth industry, it’s easy for me to take doulas for granted. But the truth is, many moms don’t hire doulas because they either don’t know about doulas or they don’t think they need one! After years of photographing births of every type, I’ve learned that doulas are incredibly helpful no matter […]

January 25, 2017

5 Reasons to Hire a Doula (even if you give birth in the hospital)


    Whether you choose an OB attended hospital birth complete with an epidural, a midwife attended homebirth, or somewhere in between, you should take a birth class! Why? Because you need to know what to expect! A surprising number of women only know what to expect about birth from what they’ve seen on TV. […]

December 17, 2016

Do you need a birth class?


Giving birth is hard work. Whether you have a peaceful home birth, an emergency C-section, or something in between, you’ve just done something completely amazing. And completely exhausting! Once it’s over, all you want is to snuggle with your precious new baby, but suddenly you’re faced with the onslaught of well-meaning visitors. Let me tell […]

November 29, 2016

Just Say No (to Visitors, that is)

just say no to visitors after birth
oklahoma newborn photographer


Did you know that there is a fourth trimester? Too few women know about it! We all know what to expect in the first trimester (morning sickness is most common), the second trimester (finding out the gender!), and the third trimester (big belly and then boom: baby). But it’s also important for women to understand […]

October 20, 2016

The 4th Trimester: What You Need to Know


The third trimester is the final stretch of your pregnancy – and I mean that literally! Your body is being called upon to do an incredible thing. It’s being stretched to the breaking point (or to the stretch mark point!) but you can do more than survive this time. The last three months of pregnancy […]

August 29, 2016

Don’t Survive, THRIVE in the Third Trimester

oklahoma birth photographer
oklahoma birth photographer


  I know newborn photographers all start to look the same. Our websites look the same, we talk the same, our photos even sometimes can look similar. How on earth are you supposed to choose one?! Maybe you decided to use someone your friend used, or maybe you saw one person’s website and there was […]

August 10, 2016

How to choose a newborn photographer | OKC Newborn Photographer