3 reasons you should plan an unplugged birth
You’ve probably heard about unplugged weddings by now, but if not, let me enlighten you. An unplugged wedding is when the bride and groom request their guests stay OFF their phones. Why? (...)
Top 10 baby registry items you will actually use
There are so many amazing products available these days, it can be overwhelming! If you’ve ever been to Babies R Us, you know that there are tons of options out there. But what do you really need for your new baby?
Birth photography : Behind the scenes
I don’t photograph how your birth looks, I photograph how it feels.
You might remember this family from when I photographed their birth in oklahoma city. Baby G was an amazing little sleeper for our session and then we got some super cute awake shots with mom & dad. The best time for these sleepy shots is before 2 weeks old, and baby G slept like a 5 […]
I was privileged to be this family’s oklahoma birth photographer when their son was born at home. I couldn’t wait to see this little guy again. Nothing bonds you quite like photographing a mom’s birth!
I always start my posts the same way, but it is just such an honor to capture these moments! I was so excited when Joanna asked me to be the photographer at baby A’s birth. I shot Paul & Joanna’s maternity session in downtown Oklahoma city back in February. There was so much joy in […]