I met baby C when he was about 1 second old. I was his birth photographer in oklahoma city earlier this month and witness his mama’s AMAZING VBA2C. He was pretty much a dream during our oklahoma city newborn photography session. Baby C was less than a week old for his session. This is the […]

April 26, 2013

Baby C | Edmond, Mustang, Yukon, Oklahoma City Newborn Photographer


As newborn photographers, we work hard to perfect a pose. The baby is in a milk induced sleepy coma, we get everything set up just right, the light angled perfectly, situate the baby, pat the baby, shhhhhh the baby, pat the baby, rock the baby… and there they are. Adorable newborn perfection. We click the […]

March 1, 2013

How to get 10 images from 1 pose | Newborn Photography Tips