By the time you’re on baby #4, you probably know what to expect in labor right? Well, those 4th babies like to make their own special entrance 😉   This little baby was a surprise sex (which is always so much fun). Big brother was hoping for a boy, because he has two little sisters […]

October 15, 2017

I’s Homebirth Story | Birth Photography

birth photography
c-section birth photographer oklahoma


    Dear mom-to-be who will have a c-section, I know it’s important to you to have a birth photographer. C-section births are beautiful and all births should be photographed. So, I’ll do my best to get into the OR to photograph your birth. I’ve had a c-section, and I know what a blur the […]

September 24, 2017

{AN OPEN LETTER}: I likely won’t be allowed into the operating room for your birth


When I was planning for my own home birth, many people asked me if my older 2 kids would be in the house. Adamantly, without hesitating, I said “NO!” I couldn’t imagine trying to labor while thinking about where they were in the house and what they were doing. Almost 4 years later, I’ve seen […]

September 4, 2017

Here’s what it looks like when older siblings see mom give birth.

oklahoma birth photographer
okc birth photos


When do most moms go into labor?   I’d be willing to bet it’s sometime between 9pm and 11pm. She’s winding down for the day, relaxed, lays down for bed… and those contractions start to become time-able and consistent.   So, quite often I get a text in those hours saying “heads up, this might […]

August 21, 2017

Laughter and Prayers — the birth story of baby C | okc birth photos


This baby was supposed to have a Halloween birth day, but decided to make an earlier appearance! Baby is #3 for the family, and the sex was a SURPRISE for everyone. So fun!! Mom & dad guessed baby would be a boy. I love all their Converse shoes, hiding behind the curtain. A family prayer right before delivery  … … and […]

October 28, 2016

the birth story of Avynn | Mustang OK Birth Photographer

oklahoma birth photographer


Alicia and Jake hired me to be their birth photographer in Chickasha Oklahoma. I was excited to also be their oklahoma city maternity photographer. They decided to wait to find out if their newborn baby was a boy or girl until he or she was born. Their plan was to have dad announce it. I […]

August 14, 2014

Birth Photographer in Chickasha Oklahoma | Birth Photography