3 reasons you should plan an unplugged birth
You’ve probably heard about unplugged weddings by now, but if not, let me enlighten you. An unplugged wedding is when the bride and groom request their guests stay OFF their phones. Why? (...)
Top 10 baby registry items you will actually use
There are so many amazing products available these days, it can be overwhelming! If you’ve ever been to Babies R Us, you know that there are tons of options out there. But what do you really need for your new baby?
Birth photography : Behind the scenes
I don’t photograph how your birth looks, I photograph how it feels.
My dear sons, I’ll admit, it’s a lot of work to go play in the snow. It sounds fun in my head, but then I realize… we live in Oklahoma and because we live in Oklahoma we just don’t own the snow gear it requires to go have fun in the snow on a whim. […]
The weather here in Oklahoma is so unpredictable! If you remember, I photographed this maternity session in Oklahoma City in mid-DECEMBER and it was 70-75 degrees. Crazy. Well, we took a little gamble with the V family and scheduled an outdoor family session at the end of January… we *just* missed the nice weather! It […]
My sons, Throughout the day, I like to pause and try to see things as you see them. An old receipt becomes a treasure map, a blanket becomes a cape, a red sock becomes Elmo. A trip to the grocery store (which I’m dreading) is an adventure and within each aisle lies a mystery. I soak […]
I met up with this family in Mustang for their baby boy’s first birthday pictures! We managed to get in some family pictures as well. In my first conversations with his mom, I found out baby S and my oldest son share a birthday… so I knew we’d be fast friends ;). This couple is just […]
I met this beautiful family at their home in Edmond to photograph Christmas portraits. Baby A was such a perfect doll! We got so many wonderful images from this session, it was really difficult to narrow it down for the blog. I was lucky enough to be this family’s birth photographer, maternity photographer, newborn photographer […]
I wish I could choose moments like these to re-live throughout my life as my kids get older. I tend to put a lot of stress on myself to have the “perfect” holiday. Everything didn’t go as I would have planned, but we still had a pretty much perfect evening with the boys. The weather […]