3 reasons you should plan an unplugged birth
You’ve probably heard about unplugged weddings by now, but if not, let me enlighten you. An unplugged wedding is when the bride and groom request their guests stay OFF their phones. Why? (...)
Top 10 baby registry items you will actually use
There are so many amazing products available these days, it can be overwhelming! If you’ve ever been to Babies R Us, you know that there are tons of options out there. But what do you really need for your new baby?
Birth photography : Behind the scenes
I don’t photograph how your birth looks, I photograph how it feels.
Baby girl P was welcomed into the world by many family members and friends (click here to see their birth photos, I was their oklahoma city birth photographer). She came to my home studio when she was just 10 days old for her modern newborn session. She was the perfect little model! She already loves […]
I met baby C when he was about 1 second old. I was his birth photographer in oklahoma city earlier this month and witness his mama’s AMAZING VBA2C. He was pretty much a dream during our oklahoma city newborn photography session. Baby C was less than a week old for his session. This is the […]
I met this couple for their oklahoma city maternity photography session in March. They were so easy going and fun to work with, I couldn’t wait to meet their first little guy for his newborn session. Look at how adorable he is!
Wow, I have met some cute newborns the past few weeks! I met this couple for their beautiful maternity session in norman oklahoma on the OU campus. Then, we all waited oh so patiently for baby S’s arrival….. and she took her time! 🙂 Sweet baby S was a doll for her newborn session. She slept […]
I was lucky enough to be baby K’s oklahoma city birth photographer last week, now she is 9 days old and came out to my home studio in Mustang Oklahoma for her newborn portraits. She was a little rockstar! She was absolutely precious and slept right through our whole session until the very end. We even snuck […]
I feel so privileged to capture these special moments for this family. Taryn does so much for our birth community in Oklahoma. You MUST go read her fabulous HBAC birth story, so inspirational. She is an amazing doula (I have seen so first hand), studying to be a midwife and does placenta encapsulation among many other things […]