3 reasons you should plan an unplugged birth
You’ve probably heard about unplugged weddings by now, but if not, let me enlighten you. An unplugged wedding is when the bride and groom request their guests stay OFF their phones. Why? (...)
Top 10 baby registry items you will actually use
There are so many amazing products available these days, it can be overwhelming! If you’ve ever been to Babies R Us, you know that there are tons of options out there. But what do you really need for your new baby?
Birth photography : Behind the scenes
I don’t photograph how your birth looks, I photograph how it feels.
Perhaps you’ve considered hiring a birth photographer for your hospital birth, but are worried about their 1 visitor policy? Trust me, we want to be able to photograph your birth too. There is nothing like it! However, in these uncertain times, we’re forced to make some changes – and I think you’ll like this one… […]
I was sitting in a movie theater with my kids in Yukon OK when my phone buzzed. I’m almost always on-call for births, so I grabbed my phone to see an inquiry come through from my website. But this particular inquiry said “Brandy Harris.” As in… my doulax2-midwife-friend, Brandy. As in, Brandy who went through […]
I’ve been steeped in birth photography for years, so it can be hard for me to remember that some people – I’m looking at you, mama-to-be – aren’t as familiar with it as I am. Here’s what I’ve learned in my years as a birth photographer. Birth is beautiful. I know everything […]
By the time you’re on baby #4, you probably know what to expect in labor right? Well, those 4th babies like to make their own special entrance This little baby was a surprise sex (which is always so much fun). Big brother was hoping for a boy, because he has two little sisters […]
I joked with my husband that if a mom texts me in the middle of the night saying she thinks she’s in (early) labor, I try hard to go to sleep to conserve energy for later… But, honestly, I always just lay there like …. So, I never actually went back to sleep. That’s […]
The G family welcomed their first baby, baby J, last month. They are just so over the moon in love with their little boy. Family eagerly awaited his arrival… I was thrilled to attend his c-section birth in the OR. Such precious memories were captured there! Welcome to the world sweet baby! Hi dad! […]